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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> JTHM???by jhonen vasquez?


JTHM???by jhonen vasquez?

is JtHM is really one of a kind?? i mean, i googled up everything that may have sumthing similar with jthm. cant find one

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2 weeks ago
no, i'm not asking who drew this book. i'm asking are there anything outhere that is similar to jthm.

1 week ago
OH GOD!!! i'm asking about other works that is similar like jthm by jhonen. i've already jhonen's work like a dozen time, so dont treat me like a dumb-**** and no, i live at very far apart from the states so i dont know what hot topic is or whatsoever. sheesh. Just tell me are there any artist out there that works/ed with the same style of jhonen and please state that work

1 week ago
oops correction "i've already READ..."

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
no, i'm not asking who drew this book. i'm asking are there anything outhere that is similar to jthm.