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Does anyone else believe...?

That as long as a person is able to forgive, they can get along and be friends with most anyone.

Or that love and passion can exist together, but only in some cases.

Or that if you are passionate about someone or something, you should figure out a way to get that person or thing.

Or that there is more than one person out there for you, you just have to pick which of them you want.

Or that, depending on who you choose, your life can take incredibly different twists and turns, and the outcomes will never be even close to the same then if you had chosen someone else.

Or that each and every action you take during the day, changes something and someone, no matter how small and insignificant the action is.

Hope thats enough questions for you.

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2 weeks ago
As for question three, I don't mean to become a stalker if you want someone. There is a difference in fighting for something you want and .. well.. stalking. :)

2 weeks ago
Guru, forgiveness does not have to go along with something bad that has happened. It seems that you think that is what I've said.

I've said that if you choose to be a forgiving person, toward anyone and anything they have done, you can get along with them.

Exp. Such things could be as small as taking something of someones without asking, to things as large as forgiving when someone has done you wrong. You may not want to be friends after someone has done you wrong, but you can at least forgive them.

Forgiving is better for the person who has forgiven than for the person who is being forgiven.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
As for question three, I don't mean to become a stalker if you want someone. There is a difference in fighting for something you want and .. well.. stalking. :)