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Distress ,distress the love birds reported to me.?

a maiden cryieth in your forest . What is this? It is forbiden to enter my secret forest! this we know your white goldenness, yet she stumbled mistakenly there. and we are waiting your comand? Yes prepare my royal chriot of ostriches at once! like thunder the prince road through the forest she is beyond those thickets reported the love birds. I must go on foot from here lead my chariot back to my castle. so the love birds did as they were comanded, as the prince made his way to the center of the thickets he heard the maiden crying bewildered by such sadness he appeared in front of her and asked are you alright? she'd been so scared of being lost that she ran and jumped into the embrace of the prince crying histericly, she couldnt even speak so the prince carried her back to his castle and gently put her to rest on his bed. When she awoke, she became curious of the castle she opened the door of the butterfly ball room and thouands of butterflies flew out Oh youve awakened the prince cov

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2 weeks ago
ered in butterflies said. diary

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
ered in butterflies said. diary