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For a certain person... sorry if I came on too strong... but here's a poem?????

"I Love You"

It took me a while...
to come within reality.
But when you came around,
things quickly changed.
You spoke kind words,
showing interest in me,
open to everything,
we could talk for hours.

Not ashamed of myself,
something so new to me.
I can say anything to you,
and you'd only like me more.
I crave for your body,
I long for your soft touch,
just like you do mine.

The hard thing is...
it took me so long,
so long to realize it.
I was just denying it,
the complete truth was hidden.
I sat in my corner,
thinking only of you,
of us making love...
i want you so much.
I realize it,
I truly love you...
but do you feel the same?

to everyone: Once again, I did NOT pay attention to flow.. I'm sick of doing that. I just wrote... wrote what popped into my mind. Sorry if its terribly off.

to the mystery man lol: This is how I truly feel

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2 weeks ago
Ok, Mr. Steve lol, this WAS NOT about Brad.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
Ok, Mr. Steve lol, this WAS NOT about Brad.