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Has anyone seen my quantum keys?

The found keys mystery folds, unfold further.

My keys!!!!
Someones keys have mysteriously disappeared
Burped into existence from the dessert of virtual particles
That we have faith in as space and time.
These are my keys and this is my drooling posessed nightmare
In which I play the part of positively charged ganglion
To disappear not only from my mind but in the mind of Salty dog
Thus like star particles they can access universal singularities
Leaving a different toothbrush in each
Now as owners of our own religious upheavals we await the collapse of the "drain fluffins"
Without underwear protection.

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2 weeks ago
Penfold, you are like a vulture already. My all-original poem is up for 1 minute and you already want my drain fluffins...I hurumph in your general direction!

2 weeks ago
I am trying Tyler D... But I can't seem to keep my mouth shut... I think I am going to go for a bike ride. Oh yeah, park vittles!

2 weeks ago
my Y!Criminal record does not allow me to drive...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
Penfold, you are like a vulture already. My all-original poem is up for 1 minute and you already want my drain fluffins...I hurumph in your general direction!