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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> How do you make a picture black and white but have a certain spot in color?


How do you make a picture black and white but have a certain spot in color?

like say there is a picture that is black and white and is of a girl holding a flower. and the only part in color is the flower? if you get wat i am asking please help me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I could swear we did this a few weeks ago .. even with the same names.. LOL (lost my mind or having Deja-Vu )

They're right, you want to desaturate most of the image. (Saturation is how much color is in the photo, so desaturating it takes the color out. )

You simply select the area you want to desaturate .. use whatever tools you want. Paint brush, masking tools, frisket, lasso, magic wand .. however you want. (depends on what program you're going to use). When you select this area and desaturate it, it will turn to grayscale but the part you DIDN'T select will remain color