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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I'm a Harry Potter fan-and i would like to know "How do you think Lily Evan


I'm a Harry Potter fan-and i would like to know "How do you think Lily Evans and James Potter got together?"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think James fancied Lily ever since he first saw her, but being eleven, he didn't quite know what it meant. I think that at first she fancied him too, but then he started acting like a complete prat to other students, but I don't think that stopped her from fancying him. It irritated her and she pretended she like she hated him. That only made him fancy her more. Some time, more than likely during their sixth year at Hogwarts, Sirius set up a "prank" on Severus. He didn't tell Severus that Remus is a werewolf, but he told him that if he went to up the Whomping Willow, used a long branch to touch the knot to stop the branches from hitting him, and crawled into the hole in the trunk, that he'd find out where they were going ever month. James didn't know about the "prank" until the last minute, but he pulled Severus out of the Willow. For that, James was honoured and given the position of Head Boy the following school year. He stopped bullying other students in front of Lily and then they got together.