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What is a good Terri Pratchett Discworld book?

Which of these have you read and which is the best:
Wyrd sisters
Moving Pictures
Thief of Time

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've read all of them. My personal favorite from your list is "Wyrd Sisters".

All of the Discworld books stand alone in terms of plot, but many characters reappear in different books. If you've never read a Discworld book before, I'd recommend "Wyrd Sisters" or "Pyramids" as being the easiest for a new reader to get into.

I also like "Jingo" a lot, but I'd recommend that you save it and "Thief of Time" for when you're more familiar with the series. You'd appreciate them both more if you know more about the characters from earlier books in the series.

"Sourcery" and "Moving Pictures" are my least favorite on your list, but neither is terrible. "Sourcery" is probably the closest to a typical fantasy novel, while you'd appreciate "Moving Pictures" more if you like old movies.