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What started world war 2 and world war 1?

any guess?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: WWI was started by a culmination of events beggining many years before the actual start of the war.Much too complex to get into in any depth.

But shortly before the war...Prior to the Archdukes assassination the forming of the "Triple Entente" ,an alliance between France,Russia,and Great Britain,made Germany and Austro-Hungary feel less than comfortable,"surrounded by enemies" so to speak.

Franz Ferdinand's assassanation spawned a conflict between Serbia and Austro-Hungary.

Knowing that Russia had an alliance with Serbia,Kaiser William of Germany began communications through a series of telegrams,
known as the "Willy/Nicky" telegrams,with his cousin Nicholas the Czar of Russia, in hopes of preventing the mobilization of Russian forces against Germany's ally Austro-Hungary.

When it became obvious that this could not be prevented,Germany drew some radical conclusions and set into motion the final machinations that would become "The War To End All Wars"

Hoping to avoid a fighting a war on two fronts,east and west,and concluding that Russia,with it's formidible size and masses of manpower,was to be the more difficult fight,Germany declared war on France and Britain and invaded France in hopes of a quick and decisive operation (the von Schlieffen plan)to capture Paris and quickly end any fighting on the western front.

Needless it did not quite work out that way.


Many historians feel that WWII was mearly a continuence of WWI.

Germany was unhappy with the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the treaty terms against Germany going unchecked by the allies allowed the events that led up to WWII.

Hitler was unhappy with the outcome of the Great War(in which he participated earning two Iron Crosses).He felt that Germany should have continued to fight and that the Jewish members of the German community,many of whom were affluent and powerful,were responsible for the racketeering and organized labor strikes that caused much of the political unrest and forced Germany's political leaders to seek armistice.

Many in Germany felt the same way...

The treaty of Versailles with it's extremely harsh restrictions,and demnds of war reparations,depleted Germany financially and infuriated much of it's population,fueling the Nazi movement.

Hitler became involved in politics and rose steadily through the ranks and eventually became Chancellor.

The lack of compliance to the Versailles treaty was allowed by poor enforcement by the allies.For example,while not allowed to have an Air Force,Gemany was allowed to train civilian pilots,primed and ready when the Luftwaffe called them into action.

Hitler secretly rebuilt Germany's armed forces, tanks,artillery/munitions,mili... aircraft,in some cases in underground factories,and eventually invaded Poland.