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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I'm a high school English teacher; what's the best way to punish my students whe


I'm a high school English teacher; what's the best way to punish my students when they're talking in class.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well, since the schools have been telling kids they don't have to listen to their parents,and if it feels good ,do it . and if your parents hit you ,tell us and we'll have them put in jail,why would you not think it would not come back on you some day.
"as you sew, so shall you reap" and now you're at the point,if you punish them,you worry if they'll come to school tommorow hunting you,and the rest of the students. isn't it odd that up to the sixties, we had discipline in school and at home, and children were taught about being polite and they were responsible for their actions or they would be punished, and we didn't have all these problems? i don't feel sorry for the schools at all. to top it off, most so called "teachers" aren't much smarter than the students. i think the best thing could happen, is for the "public education system"=(joke) to be shut down and there be only private schools.
you're a high school teacher, and you have to come to yahoo to ask strangers how to discipline children. i'll bet YOUR kids run YOUR house. or do you ask your neighbor what to do about your kids?
as you can guess by my attitude,i'm not high on modern schools. have a rotten day.