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I'm a solo musician, what should I include in my press kit?

What should I include in my press kit to make me stand out?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A press kit should include a head shot, brief bio, contact information, genres of music you play, list of recordings (maybe with short samples) and notable artists you've performed with. Keep in mind that a true press kit is sent to people who want to know more about you (the press) it should pique their interest and hopefully lead to an interview. If you plan on sending them to venues and talent agencies include a short demo of your best stuff (not the stuff you like to play best but the stuff you sound best playing). I would suggest several different kits. One for the press, one for possible bookings, and one for agents.

Also consider putting together a packet that goes to places that you have booked. Include posters, brochures and such that they can display before you get there. Include your press kit in that packet so that they can forward it to local media outlets.