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Was there a time when you lost sight of yourself and your philosophy and let anger control you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: LOL
Ah my will get a lot of answers on this one - most of them saying yes - unfortunately - those same ones would be 100% is a philosophical impossiblity for you to forget your philosophy.

If you let anger get the best of you - thats because your philosophy allows it to happen. Anger, like crying, can be control by what you think. If you think of why you are crying you will stop crying, likewise, if you think about why you are angry you will cease to be angery.

Does you philosophy allow you to think of such things or does it simply overlook them. If it overlooks them then you will have the violent outbreaks that mr bizerko will vist upon you...otherwise, your thoughts, based on your philosophy, will stop this from happening automatically. Do you use the same philosophy in everyhitng you do or just at certain times..this makes a difference.

Dont believe me - try it - your into martial arts - extend that martial arts philosophy to your whole life and NOT just the dojo. Make it a part of your everyday life in everything you will do or say....if you do this you will see the world in a whole new light, people around you will become aware of a sudden change in you...actually...they might even want to hang out with you more so be careful how you project your image - LOL