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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If/when google earth becomes real time and those images are recorded how will it


If/when google earth becomes real time and those images are recorded how will it effect law enforcement?

for example, if you rob a bank all the cops woudl have to do would be to get on google earth and watch the video from the time of the robbery.

if you shoot someone all the police would have to do is pulll up the location of the shooting and watch for someone to be shot.


This is a SERIOUS SERIOUS thing. A crazier example that I can think of would be down the line when the technology was so good that they could monitor the speed of every car on the road and determine its speed. ...if you speed ANYWHERE, they catch you. etc.

What do you think about this. The technology WILL become available.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't think Google Earth will ever become live. That would be an extreme invasion of people's privacy. Besides, the government wouldn't need it, it has its own satellites for surveillance.

If Google WAS to somehow get this technology, rest assured, I would be the first person to sue them for infringing on my right for protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.