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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Where does the (European)word 'Korea' come from?


Where does the (European)word 'Korea' come from?

I've heard that when the first Europeans arrived, they asked, 'where are we?' , and were answered 'here' in Korean. 'here' could be the name of the village where the landed ('Canada' is a Algonquin word of 'village' ). It DOESN'T mean 'here' ('yoegi'). It is said the when the Portuguese landed in Japan, they were told they were in 'Nippon' ('Japan') yet the Portuguese had trouble w/ the phonem 'ni' they pronounced it 'Japao'...which became Japon/ Japan in Europe. The name 'China' has a similiar orgin, being the name of the Chinese kindgom/dynasty of Marco Polo's time- the Mongols (Shina- a mongol word...I THINK!!! I'm afraid I gotta review that info...) Anyways, looking forward to all your answers!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That's an interesting story. Actually, I think Korea is an adaptation from the Koryo Dynasty.