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Do you know the name of this book and the author who wrote it?

I need help trying to figure out the name of a zebra historical romance about a character who was a texas ranger and fell inlove with one of the dalton gang's sister. At the time when the novel came out it was a special series using American States (for example Virginia Vixen and Kentucky Kisses) . I know it had Texas in the title of book but i just want to know the rest or at least the author name ...

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1 week ago
I already know the authors for "Virginia Vixen" and "Kentucky Kisses" what i am looking for is the one i mention with the male character being a texas ranger and the female character the sister of a member from the dalton's gang....but thanks for trying!

1 week ago
As far as i know the book was published between 1980 to 1990. Its a very old edition

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
I already know the authors for "Virginia Vixen" and "Kentucky Kisses" what i am looking for is the one i mention with the male character being a texas ranger and the female character the sister of a member from the dalton's gang....but thanks for trying!