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Audtition for disney channel?

Im a younge actress but I just cant get any work. I wanna know where is the best place to get a manajor. Also how to audtion For Disney or like TeenNick and or Movies! Please help I have been taking acting lessons since4... I have exsprenice I just need a chance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you want to be on Disney, you will need an agent more than a manager. To find the BEST agency, look for SAG or AFTRA registered agencies on or . You'll find legit agencies in your area!

Disney does not hold open calls, so what you'd have to do is have a great agent, who can schedule you an audition when Disney is casting a role which fits your type.

Same goes for TeenNick, it's one of those large networks, that is very professional.

For movies, many movies will hold open calls (case and point, the new american girl movie). That can bring oppurtunities! Look online at places like Craig's List, to find out. If it is local, look in your paper.

However, many movies also don't do open calls, for them, you will need an agent, who can submit you/schedule you an audition.

It's great you've been taking acting classes, that will help you so much, and give you an advantage, continue with them!

Good luck!