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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> So what;s the big deal of this sunk ship "Titanic"?


So what;s the big deal of this sunk ship "Titanic"?

After nearly a century people still make a fuss over this sunk ship "Titanic". Even one proposing to "save" it from rust! [Not easy when the damn ship is 12 thousands feet underwater] And we make all kinds of ridiculous melodaramatic movies of this damn ship. So the captain was travelling fast? So it hit some dumb iceberg? So it sunk? And most passengers died. There has been worse shipwrecks than this dumb boat. What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Maybe it's more to the fact that when they built it they said it was un-sinkable but yes there has been more worse disasters than that look at the Poseidon and what that did to Kurt Russell