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Who do i approach my movie idea to?

I have a great idea for a film and have a full, novel-length story i have been writing for 3years. I have given it to my friends to read and they loved it and suggested, serioulsy, appproaching a director.
I do not expect it to be an A-list film, but i would like to offer it to a production company to know what they think of it but i do not know where to take it or whon to send it to?
Director, producer, but how do i find a company, who is not too busy to read my manuscript or at least my cover letter?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can't! I'm speaking from experience. The only way you can get a producer or director to look at your idea, or story, is to become a member of the Screen Writers Guild, but you have to be a member of the CAA (Creative Artists Agency), or another well known accredited agency for at least one year. You can't be a member of the CAA without having an agent or manager, or without having some previous experience that put you into the limelight. Trust me, I've been there and done that! It's not an easy industry to get into. Unless you know someone famous..You might be better off publishing a novel. Maybe you'll get lucky and an agent will come to you. Good Luck!