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What do you think about these drawings?

I want to be a tatto artisit. I have been drawing steady for about two years now. Tell me which one you like and why. Also I can handle constructive critisim, so tell me what I can do to improve, please don't be mean, I am just wanting honest opinions.

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1 week ago
To all that have alreasy answered I really appreciate your honesty, and I can definately take something from each one of you to improve myself, and my drawings. Oh, and if it helps any, the last one, the clown, I know ppl have mentioned the chains...and the extra eye...there is meaning to that...the clown face represents hiding behind a mask, and the broken chain is breaking through ...and opening up......the eye with the tear is a little representaion of letting go, sad but glad....does that help at all?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
To all that have alreasy answered I really appreciate your honesty, and I can definately take something from each one of you to improve myself, and my drawings. Oh, and if it helps any, the last one, the clown, I know ppl have mentioned the chains...and the extra eye...there is meaning to that...the clown face represents hiding behind a mask, and the broken chain is breaking through ...and opening up......the eye with the tear is a little representaion of letting go, sad but glad....does that help at all?