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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> ►Do you know your ♥AMERICAN HISTORY♥ ???


►Do you know your ♥AMERICAN HISTORY♥ ???

1. What President was considered, "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen" ?
2. Francis Scott Key wrote our national anthem(originally it was a poem) having witnessed what?
3. In what year did he write it?
4. What was the original title?
5. Who was President at the time?
6. Do you stand, place your hand on your heart and sing this magnificent song when it is being played?

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21 hours ago
►Oh, my? My dear fellow YA'er....this is THE FOURTH OF JULY......I am celebrating.......this is for fun. It is NOT homework!!◄

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 21 hours ago
►Oh, my? My dear fellow YA'er....this is THE FOURTH OF JULY......I am celebrating.......this is for fun. It is NOT homework!!◄