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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I don't understand. It's a white nationalist website but they have THIS?


I don't understand. It's a white nationalist website but they have THIS?

Go to this link:

This was a link from either the National Alliance or National VanGuard. Either way, they're a white nationalist website.

The womans' a Hindu who emraces Indian and Hindu culture (I searched her on wikipedia), yet they like her and this is a White Nationalist society?

(NOTE: I am not a racist.)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you read the synopsis next to the book, it states that the author was one of Adolf Hitler's "most devoted admirers". Also, further down is this: "For illustration, the author examines in detail the lives of three figures from history: Akhnaton, Genghis Khan, and Adolf Hitler."

It's not that hard to imagine that a white supremacist website would carry a book that was written by an admirer of Hitler, but that also examines his life and portrays it in a good light.

Also, I'm not sure what wikipedia site you were looking at, but the first sentence of the article on her explain how she was thought that Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu. Also, she was NOT Hindu, but was Indo-French and was not so much embracing Hindu culture as trying to meld it with Nazi ideals.