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Who is this woman/painting?

Hi I was wondering if anyone recognizes the painting of this woman (black hair and red roses) in 1:41s

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been looking intensively for you to find the image that you want - Unfortunately, it is not of Freda Kahlo. She had these very peculiar eyebrows which meet in the center and this face - which does not. She also possessed dark skin.
The series of faces which change one to another, starting with that of a Madonna on a religious icon, are mostly very famous. But I am now beginning to think that this particular image - a girl of pale\coloring, dark hair and flowers in hair, is a composite one, or by a comparatively unknown artist, brought in to form a transition between two other works ( I would like to be proved wrong!) . I checked the most likely artists (French, English or American) late 19th and early 20th c. ones - like Sargent, Reynolds and Gainsborough, all of whom paint portraits of young women similar to these and nothing tallied. I'm sorry. .