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Just purchased Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan...?

Read a little bit and so far it feels forced, he is trying to hard to cram as much imagery as he can in and he is a little too descriptive for my liking (I like some things to be left to the imagination). Does the book get better as it goes on? What did you think of this book?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, if it's the use of too much description that's bugging you, just remember that if you cut all the unnecessary details out of Lord of the Rings, those books would probably be about half their length. Still, they remain fabulous classics that everyone should read.
If it's the forced nature of the writing, give it a little while longer. I compare it to Brave New World (if you've read it), where the society's major differences take a little getting used to for the reader, and it seems as though Huxley was trying too hard. Put that flaw aside, and try to keep reading. If you can't handle it though, put it down and read something of your liking, because there's no point in wasting reading time.