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History: How did Britain's treatment of its North Amerian colonies evolve from the Seven Years war to the?

American revolution? Any ideas would help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The war left Britain broke. Taxes in Britain were high, and it seemed doubtful that much more could be sustained. Taxes in the colonies, on the other hand, were pretty low. It seemed reasonable that the colonists bear some of the costs of the war that had been fought, after all to protect them. But the colonists were outraged. Not only that, but they were demanding even more protection. Now that the French were no longer a factor, colonists were pouring over the mountains into the west. The King and Parliament ordered a halt to this migration, but they were too far away to matter. Instead, the colonists demanded more soldiers to protect them from the angry Indians. But they felt they had suffered enough from the war. The colonies were in even worse economic shape than Britain. How could they pay more taxes? There was little room for compromise.