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Is Dumbledore really dead?

I think it`s not a good thing that he is really dead.if he dead i think snape isn`t death eater

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Whether Dumbledore is dead or not, I still think Snape isn't a death eater. There something about the way Dumbledore said, "Severus . . . please . . ." It was like either he was begging Snape to kill him, not only to end the pain, but to save Malfoy, or that perhaps the two of them had this plan in case things went bad; a plan Dumbledore had to coax Snape into following.

P.S. I do really think Dumbledore is dead. The portrait in the headmaster's office and the death (with no rebirth) of the phoenix are pretty convincing. (Actually, the phoenix bit is the most convincing.)