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Plese think good and answer: why not end it all?

Yet so intelligent, evolution seam to reached a deadlock. It evolved giving as logic and the feeling of importance. We fight for our life, we feel it is the most important thing. But if evolution decided that life is so important, why did it not evolved in the way that we may become immortal? More then that somehow it looks like it decided the contrary... that we must die. It most certainly has the background to make as immortal. You can actually take body parts from some species and those parts grow back. Why evolution decided that just some parts may be regenerated? Why not the hole body so we may repair forever?
I hate this evolution. I feel it gives us the greatest pain ever: inevitable death. We have the power, we are logical, why don't we stop this endless painful tragedy? Evolution mock us. The only eternal think it creates is the pain passed from generations to generations. And the legacy to our childrens is this: more pain and death. Why don't we evolve already?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you are arguing from a standpoint where evolution is in support of life. which it is not. evolution is there is there to continue life and to become more and more evolves.

evolution is NOT about life, it is about existence. thats all. evolution would not be possible without death.

since it gives you such great depression read up on existentialism. its about giving meaning to meaningless existence