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"Black Pit Razor Blood" a poem by Xander :)?

Black Pit Razor Blood
I am emo, wooo is me
my heart is lost in a depth tragedy all in which facing
a great endeaverous troth of darkness
There is yet a peak of light at the end of the tunnel
a flashlight?
or a train?
there is no such thing as emo
If you believed me as before, you are a definition.
a definition of someone who has begotten a label.
This label may or may not be a word.
Either way, it is a label
Your pathetical dramatic darkness "swells" in all of us.
In us, I don't mean a clan of ill-begotten teenagers in a perspective of individual, independent, walking black paint-rollers of makeup.
I mean, us.
I mean ALL of us.
Poetry is words of thoughts of ideas of inspirations.
We convict our words with cliche passions
What has happened to our dignity?
Where has our integrity gone?
Next time you become your "emo"
please ask yourself for me


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is a solution oh Xander of the realm of mother's basement, baptized by the Dew of the Mountain and the magical puffs from Cheeto. It is called lay off the dubage and you and the dungeon master go out and find real girls to talk to. Seeing your first real-life vagina will really help.