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Who build khilafat e usmania in turky mughals or any other?

tell me the dynasty of Khilafat e usmania

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Before the end of WWI, the geo-political map of the Middle East had already been drawn up. Its basics were decided in the Anglo-French Agreement of May 1916. Under Sykes Picot Agreement, the two Imperialist powers had appropriated the entire region between themselves. Later in 1917 a place was carved out for Israel through Balfour Declaration. The Ottoman Empire was obliterated under the 1920 Treaty of Severs. The Turkish authority over Antolia was saved due to the grand Turk mujahedeen struggle under the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne. Turk Republic over a limited area was recognized with precondition to implement a secular system of governance and the burial of Khilafat-e-Usmania — and that too after rendering Turkey limbless.

T.E. Lawrence — a British spy and agent — describes in Seven Pillars of Wisdom (London, 1940, pp. 23, 56) some features of the game that was played to destroy Ottoman Empire, to abuse Arab nationalism and to stabilize British Imperialism. Arabs were aroused against Turks. Instead of Islamic nationalism, linguistic and regional nationalism was encouraged. Lawrence acclaiming his success among Arabs, says: "I meant to make a new nation to restore a lost influence." Painting a rosy picture, he says: "We could see a new factor was needed in the East. Some power or race which would outweigh the Turks in numbers, in output and in mental activity."

This new force was apparently the promised Arab State that never came into being. In its place there emerged about a dozen (now 22) Arab occupied areas. All of them were brought under the suzerainty of Western nations. Finally, Israel was developed into the strongest and the most superior power of the region. It was provided protection and military cover by the United States and the European nations. From the 1919 Treaty of Versaille, the 1922 Protocol of Mandate of the League of Nations to the 1948 Resolution of the United Nations leading to division of Palestine and establishment of Israel, and later from the Security Council??s Resolutions of 1967, 1973 and 1991 till today, and from Camp David Agreement to Oslo Agreement — all efforts proved instrumental for keeping the Middle East divided, impotent and controlled. While the Imperialist powers were busy enacting this drama, the role of some of the leaders of this area was no less deceptive. They acted as Imperialist powers?? agents and tools merely for personal gains, domination and for lust of money. The state of affairs continues even today with changed names and characters. A young Urdu poet puts it as: "This house has been set ablaze by its own dwellers?? machinations."