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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I just deleted this a while ago, but I need to know what you think?


I just deleted this a while ago, but I need to know what you think?

...I deleted this because of the bad reviews... but I thought nothing hurts me anymore, so go ahead....

I am to you just a voice, or even less, just a bunch of words appearing
to you in silence. How can I call you, with my silent, voiceless,
merely written words? Letters you can just ignore and never read... I
am the poem you never heard in your inner thoughts, and thus never
could write... So I wrote myself for you. Will you ever notice me, will
you ever read me?
You seem busy writing and reading other poems, leaving the poem that is
ceaselessly writing herself for you aside...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you're like a butterfly, aren't you? something to be held carefully or you'll break. I like that about you.... knowing you're fragile, but allowing yourself to be held in my hand, taking the chance that I'll respect your brittleness, hoping I'll nurture you and then set you free instead of crushing you.

if the poem is intended for someone specific, I hope they get you.

if it's intended for "us" then I'd be less optimistic that you'll be heard and appreciated.

as for me, my hand is open and you can rest here anytime.