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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Harry Potter 'spoiler' .... Seen this one, yet? Hmmmmm. . . .?


Harry Potter 'spoiler' .... Seen this one, yet? Hmmmmm. . . .?

Guess anyone's 'guess' is just as good, or valid, as the next guys', huh? The media hype is certainly keeping the public aware of the release date for the final book.

Have you ordered your copy, yet???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. The guy that says he hacked the bloomsbury PCs (or sth like that) is definitely, 100.1%, undeniably, without doubt a lier and a fool.And anyone who believes him is even more fool than that fool guy is.
2. No, i haven't preordered a copy yet, although i'm a very big fan of Harry and can't wait and thats because I'm from and live in a non-English-speaking country, and I'll have to wait till the book is translated. Pity!