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Hmm...What is the best way to come up with a idea for a story?

What is the best way to come up with a idea for a story? I know what i want in the beggining but the end puzzles me?? HELP!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok, my way of doing this may take a bit, but it does work.

In bed at night, play the entire story in your head as a movie, making youself one of the characters. Play through it every night with a different ending, and TRUST me, you will find something you like.

Sometimes, though, you just have to sit back and not think about it at all for a bit. An idea will just pop into your head at some point, and you will most likely love it.

These two have both been tried by me, and they have both worked, so use which ever you like.

Have fun with it, and remember that there is no beginging or ending to a story, so no starting it with "Once upon a time," and ending it with "They lived happily ever after". :)

Enjoy writing your story, and everyone who reads it will enjoy it as well.
Use your excitment, display it between the words.
Don't think when your writing, just let it flow, and go back later to change things.
Allow the story to be written.
Let your emotions show on your face, and in your words as you write, and you will pull a few heart strings.

hope this helps!