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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What happened to Augustus Peabody once presented Sunday Night at the London Pall


What happened to Augustus Peabody once presented Sunday Night at the London Palladium?

I Know it was a man dressed as a woman who fell foul of the law for some reason and Augustus was a dummy

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3 days ago
Augustus Peabody was a ventriloquist dummy and was very famouse in the 50/60s. The vent was a man dressed as a woman and at the time this was not known. He commited a lewed act as I remember and fell from fame, can't remember anything alse about him and nor does anyone else by the look of it ;-)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
Augustus Peabody was a ventriloquist dummy and was very famouse in the 50/60s. The vent was a man dressed as a woman and at the time this was not known. He commited a lewed act as I remember and fell from fame, can't remember anything alse about him and nor does anyone else by the look of it ;-)