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Whenever you need to make a decision, do you listen to your mind or heart?

I guess your answer will be "both" or "depends". But, just think for a moment; if you need to pick just one of them, which one will you pick?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would definitely pick my mind. The heart is too easily manipulated. It is why politicians choose emotional rather than intellectual appeals, and political groups ask you to "think" of the children.

At times it is necessary to make a gut decision on the spur of the moment. Even if a decision cannot be reasoned out, you can still use your mind in some capacity. I believe that a conscious decision cannot be made otherwise.

Also, I believe that the "heart" is actually a function of the mind. If my "heart" and my mind conflict, then I must somehow be in error. I would desire to use my mind to find that error.