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Is this book idea any good?

Do you think my book idea is any good?? Its okay if you dont i have a few but this is just one of them!

During the day 3 couples from completely different backgrounds leave to attend a concert in the rural area of ________ . On the way there they have to detour on a dirt road. A while later towards nightime the couples run over tons of nails in the road(at different times). They walk into a deserted village where gruesome people live. Now they must run from their life to escape because when someone goes in they never come out.

they find a old parachute factory and try to escape the people and there killing game.


3 couples go to a world reknowned national fair in _________
. on the way there is a dead end and they have to take a detour in the road. once in the fair they notice wierd people whom are killers, and now the games begin. using whatever they can, these people fight for survival.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Reminds me of "The Hills Have Eyes" and I've never even seen the movies.

You might have noticed a pattern; a lot of answers have likened the idea to something else. The reason being, an idea isn't very specific in itself. It is how you develop and present the idea in a full story that distinguishes one work from another.

And, on a side note, there is no such thing as a bad idea for writing a book (and a "good idea" is really just one that you get excited about and start developing). Good and bad are determined more by the writer's skill in developing the idea. A good writer can take what seems to be a horrible idea and still make it entertaining, while a bad writer can take an amazing idea and murder it.