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French horn solos?

I am looking for a French horn solo with band accompaniment. I play in a community band and would like to do a solo, but we don't have any pieces written specifically for horn. I have a fairly large range, but the band would need a grade level 3-4.

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1 week ago
I know how to transpose and frequently do (instrumental music ed major). However, transposing from trumpet leads to pieces that are either out of range from being too high or are too low for the sound to really carry. Transposing from saxophone is easier, but pieces written for sax tend to have more jumps that are easy on sax but very difficult on horn.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
I know how to transpose and frequently do (instrumental music ed major). However, transposing from trumpet leads to pieces that are either out of range from being too high or are too low for the sound to really carry. Transposing from saxophone is easier, but pieces written for sax tend to have more jumps that are easy on sax but very difficult on horn.