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If i were a HERMIT and i ASKED you....?

how has the WORLD become(pressumable i never left the Cave for 50 years).. how would you describe our Current Civilization?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How long do I have?

I would tell you it has gotten better, and it has gotten worse. Some things never change at all.

50 years ago, in 1957, it was still illegal in some states for interracial couples to marry. Schools were not integrated like they are now. Blacks on TV played stereotypical, degrading roles. Now, equality is more or less widespread, although there are still pockets of prejudice. Overall, though, I'm happier living now than I would have been back then.

Technology has improved, and people fly all over the world, easily. The road trip across the country is almost a lost art.

People drive everywhere. The people who walk or bike to work are recognized as health nuts.

It's more dangerous for kids to play outside, because Bad Things happen to them. Sexual predators, kidnapping, gangs. Gangs are more widespread than they were in the 50's. And a lot more violent.

People are more reliant on electricity than ever before. Many Americans (particularly the younger generation) are completely crippled if the power is out for more than a day, and they can't microwave their dinners.

Politics still suck.

People still lie and hurt one another.

John Lennon was murdered. (Oh, wait... 1957? You don't know about the Beatles. Nevermind.)

John F. Kennedy was murdered (assasinated), too.

That about sums it up for me.