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Wicked the musical?

I already saw Wicked! Now has anyone else? And what did u think of it? Is it worth seeing again in your opinion? What was your fav. part?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I like it. I saw the OBC and they were very talented. I think the musical itself is a bit overrated, but it's a good way to introduce someone to musicals who normally wouldn't be interested. The songs are catchy but not spectacular.

I am lucky enough to work for a company that receives a number of tickets for various shows and concerts. If some tickets came my way I would probably snatch them up. I don't think I would pay to see it again, though. I would spend my money on shows I haven't seen.

I know I'm probably a bore, but I actually liked the SATB arrangement of "Dear Old Shiz." And, of course, "Defying Gravity" is always fun (though please don't sing this unless you are playing Elphaba. Trust me.)