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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> In the presence of great minds do our actions tend to be influenced?


In the presence of great minds do our actions tend to be influenced?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have perceived only some of the possible ways this could hold true....I think yes, minds influence minds...all the time. Here are a few things I have observed:

great to me means powerful in a positive way, so the first insight I have noticed is the way people who are focusing on love and caring can influence a group to be more positive and considerate and think on a higher level.

This 'mob mentality' can also stem from a darker motivation....riots etc.

when an inspired mind, begins to share a new concept with another person or is contagious. Charisma abounds and the 'audience' wants to be a part of it.

Some how ideas can also be spontaneously realized in a group with or without a distinct 'great mind' leading them.

If 'we' are aware of a great mind or a acknowledged great ming in our presence, I believe that we raise the bar and put our best forward.

People influence people....for better or for worse. choose friends the great mind ....LOVE!