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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I have a sort of dilemma, I'm new to my high school drama club, the first play w


I have a sort of dilemma, I'm new to my high school drama club, the first play will be grease.?

but iam black, ther are others but i don't feel that comfortable playing an extra on grease, i will feel sort of wierd, do you think i should go for it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When we did Grease, we had at least two black Greasers, two black girls from the school, and our radio announcer guy in the dance was black... which actually was pretty awesome. There are plenty of roles in there for you. Don't feel strange, just go for it! It's great experience, and also will be good for you to get more comfortable with this sort of situation since it's one that will probably confront you a lot.