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You where never Born, and you will never Die. Right/Wrong?

What is Birth? Is it not merely the transmutation of transforming energy to comprise a form? Before birth, was not this energy already in existence in latent form? Perhaps the multiple energies that make U.....YOU is simply a composite of energy from energies that where already in existence? After death the energies which comprise the form simple tansform and conform to other energies.
Energy never dies and Energy was never born. It always was....Always is.....Energy superceeds what we call time.
What is time? Time is nothing more than the periods between transmutations of energy. Energy in any form is in constant transformation. What we see as time i.e. the birth of the Universe, The birth of mankind, is simply transforming energy reaching a point of transmutation. Transmutations of energy bring forth, bodies of energy. Periods between transmutations is what we call "Time."
Perhaps what we call "God" is the constant energy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The answer to this question in which you are right or wrong will depend on how others think. I personally only agree with the first part in which you said that you were never born and you will never die. This is true but instead I put it this way, I think that you were never born because you have always been alive only you are paying a visit to the Earth, then I think you will never die because you will just be leaving the Earth when you "die". You will either be going to heaven or hell. Your life here on Earth is just a short stay. Though I do not agree with you exactly I think you are a very clever person and philosophically intelligent I think you have good skills in thinking and you can make use of these thoughts of yours. My opinion is just a small opinion and not what will become true but your opinion might be right non of us know but really there is no right or wrong to your answer. You are very intelligent I think you should use a bit more with your thoughts. Present your ways of thinking to the world in a different way. You have been given a philosophical brain.