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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What happened in the Jewish act of defiance in Berlin on May 18th 1942?


What happened in the Jewish act of defiance in Berlin on May 18th 1942?

I'm writing a timeline on the Holocaust and I'm onto revolts by the Jews - so what happened this time?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I agree with the wives' "silent protest" in the Rosenstrasse in 1943. There is a "made for TV movie" here in the States that memorializes it in fairly accurate detail.
I'm sure you've heard of the brother and sister who led a student protest movement which, while it led to their executions at very young ages, did raise awareness of what was going on with the Jews. It has "Rose" in it's name. This may be the 1942 reference.
I'm sure you can find more info on their organization on line (White Rose?). They are considered, and were, true heroes.
Perhaps Yad Vashem could help you with this.
Good luck, Lorna!