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What major events in 1850 led up to the civil war?

What were the roles of politics, slavery, and social unrest in the Americas that caused the civil war? Wasn't Nat Turner part of the social unrest? Also, did the Compromise of 1850 have anything to do with it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1850 witnessed the following events: Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Dred Scott Case, Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, and Bleeding Kansas.

Nat Turner was part of the social unrest:

In February 1831 an eclipse of the sun convinced Turner that this was a supernatural sign from God to start an insurrection. However, it wasn't until August 21st that Turner and about seven other slaves killed Travis and his family to launch his rebellion. In all, about 50 whites were killed.

Causes of the American Civil War: A Summary

There were a series of significant events which greatly affected States' Rights, the Union, African Americans and accelerated the American Civil War. These historical events are commonly referred to as the "Causes of the American Civil War" and are listed without significant order: States' Rights (Bill of Rights and the 10th Amendment), High Tariffs, Nullification Crisis, Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Manifest Destiny, Dred Scott Case, Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, Bleeding Kansas, Crittenden Compromise, John Brown, and President Abraham Lincoln's election (Lincoln didn't receive a single Southern electoral vote).