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Do you like my new poem?

What wondrous things my shoebox beholds
Spilling allover with poems and prose
Napoleon??s there, and Genghis the Khan
Shillelagh, Hockey Stick, Sorcerer??s Wand

I??m riffling through it, you see
I??ve lost something in there, of me
I can??t seem to find it
I know I designed it
It??s probably old and fil??thy

Close to the bottom, it??s there
Next to a lock of my true lover??s hair
The edges are worn, creasers, torn
And a sad look of forlorn
In my mirror, it??s me

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1 week ago
Don't cry for me, Cinamotina...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
Don't cry for me, Cinamotina...