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Need some new reading material! Any suggestions?

I usualy read.....

fantasy such as discworld, harry potter, tolkien, douglas adams

Horror, Steven king, james herbert

Crime, ian rankin

Looking for something new but still in these gaunres

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well as a long time reader of similar authors, I can heartily recommend Robert Rankin, starting at the beginning with "The Antipope", and working your way through. His books split between the Brentford books (stories set in the London borough of Brentford), and his less populated Armageddon trilogy, which gave us Barry the time Sprout. He's completely nuts, but right up your alley if you like Pratchett and Adams. If you feel like something a bit more subdued, you can try Tom Holt. His books are a bit formulaic with a strong but troubled female lead or a gormless male weed of a lead who needs a strong female sidekick to help him confront various historically based mythical bad guys. The humour is a bit drier and more subtle, but not too far away from Adams in some lights.