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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Urgent!!!! i have a theory about the 7th harry potter book but i need help findi


Urgent!!!! i have a theory about the 7th harry potter book but i need help finding info?

i need page numbers of every instance you can find that has information on hagrids parents. i will take information on both muggle and giant (mom and dad). I appreciate any help you can give me and if you would like, you can email me and i will email you back when i have either proven my theory true or false, thank you for your help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Goblet of Fire page 23 tells us that his mother is one of the last British giants; she abandoned the family when Hagrid was 3 years old and his father is an unnamed wizard, died 1941-2 during Hagrid??s second year at Hogwarts. His childhood home was in "West Country."