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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Does anyone have ideas for this historical fiction story?


Does anyone have ideas for this historical fiction story?

I want to write a novel that takes place during the London Blitz, but I can't come up with a good plot. If you can give me a good idea, I'll give you the 10 points :D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, since Winston Churchill is so much a part of the war during the London Blitz, why don't you create a young woman who falls in love with this larger than life character - both in stature and girth. She could be staff in the war rooms in the London underground. Perhaps the person who works at the switchboard, or even his secretary. This would of course be complete fiction since Churchill was married and was evidently very difficult to work for - he used to shout a lot. But many people are drawn to celebrities.

You can make up a scenario where Churchill seems drawn to her - at least in her imagination, but she sees it through 'rose-coloured glasses'. He is merely using her to do the work that is essential for dealing with the war and Hitler, and manipulates her to work overlong and help him.
