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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Hi,in Bradbury Marci an Chronicles, there is an influence of a certain myth, wou


Hi,in Bradbury Marci an Chronicles, there is an influence of a certain myth, would you tell me which is?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's not going to be obvious even to everyone who does read the book... So I'm going to assume that you have indeed read the book and that the idea of "myth" is what's throwing you off.

The myth is the myth of the American frontier: That you can get in your covered wagon and go west to an unspoiled wonderful land. But it's not true that you can go to the frontier and find a perfect world, because along with your horses, your furniture, and your wagon, what are you bringing to the new place? The old you! You and all of your imperfections!

This is spelled out most clearly in the story where one character talks about "Chicago plumbing." If you've read the book, you'll know which story that is! :-)