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As an athiest....can you support the idea of Israel?

I am anti-Israel (note: not anti-Jewish, well not anymore anti-Jewish than I am anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-Hindu, or anti-*insert any other religion or faith here*). I do not believe that any country should exist on the sole basis of religion (meaning I am just as much agains Islamic republics). Of course then people will argue that Judaism isn't just a religion, it's an ethnicity. Well I dismiss that argument on the base of false premise. They're supposedly an ethnicity because they're decendents of Abraham's tribe. Unfortunately the figure and story of Abraham comes from the bible (or tora), a wonderful work of fiction. Since we cannot take the bible as historical fact, there's no proof for Abraham's existence. There ya go: false premise. No, they're not an ethnicity, they're just a religion, and as such I will argue against them just as I argue against any other direction of faith.
The world would be more peaceful if there wasn't Islamic,Jewish or Christian states.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Robert,

I agree with you. The Zionists' connection to their holyland is purely spiritual, and there are really no practical historical connections. As an atheist I do find this problematic, however, even if they were an "ethnicity", there are 1.5 million Palestinian refugees as a result of Israel's creation and it's continued land grabbing throughout it's short history. It is easily arguable that Israel does not have a right to exist. (yes,yes, thumbs down, I know) Basically the "leauge of nations"(like the UN at the time) disregarded the objections of every country in the region, and gave them a "country" of their own (the Jews). They must have thought "they're only muslims, who cares what they have to say even if it is their indigenous land we are giving away".. Either that or they were thinking "this will be helpful to the west in conquering the muslim world. Indeed Israel is like the jewish state of the USA, armed with all their weapons, it is on the forefront of the war on Islam.

I don't think that forcing atheism would help anything, but I do agree that we need to move beyond religion if the human race is to move past it current turmoil. But thats not the main reason Israel's existance seems so immoral to me.