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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you SET your COURSE by the STARS or by the LIGHTS of every PASSING SHIP?


Do you SET your COURSE by the STARS or by the LIGHTS of every PASSING SHIP?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To conform, or not to conform.

To explore down new, adventurous detours in life
??or to simply travel the well-beaten path

To be independent
??or to be lead and tethered by constrictive stings

To carve out an emphatic and meaningful existence
??or to dissolve into uniformity and anonymity

To set one??s own standards of achievement
??or be dictated by common by-laws and social norms

And to live one's own life to the fullest freedom and potential
...or to forever remain leashed in the shadows of the one before

I think I??ll follow my own stars
I??d rather not bob along in the wakes of others