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The Outsiders (H.E.Hinton)...sandy?

I heard somewhere that sandy got pregnant in tthe book. I read the book several times and I don't see anything about sandy geting pregnant.. If it's even mentioned in the book, Where is it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well it didn't directly say that she got pregnant. You have to use your head a little. It's at the part after Soda storms off because Ponyboy and Darry were fighing that time at dinner. Here I'll give you what it says in the book.

"It's a letter he wrote Sandy", Darry said without expression. "returned unopened"

"when Sandy went to Florida... it wasn't Soda, Ponyboy. He told me he love her, but I guess she didn't love him like he thought she did, because it wasn't him. "You don't have to draw me a picture," I said. "He wanted to marry her anyway but she just left".

It on page 174 in my book you can read it for yourself if you like. That is Darry and ponyboy talking. The reason Sandy went to florida to live with her grandma is so that she can go have her baby. Back in the 60s which is where the story takes place if a girl comes to live with her grandma it is to save the girl from like getting embarassed from getting pregnant so young. Living with her grandma and getting married were her only choices but her parents didn't like the idea of getting married so she ended up staying with her grandma until she had her baby.

So yeah that's how you figure it out.